The Flight Page 28
Lester’s Field, 54
Levasseur PL-8 (“White Bird”), 1–7, 28, 76, 194n, 207, 242–43
Levine, Charles, 132–34, 248
Levy, Lee, 109
Lewis, Sinclair, 115, 115n, 262
Life raft, 88, 158
Lincoln Flying School, 58–59, 178
Lincoln Highway, 58
Lincoln Memorial, 104
Lincoln Standard Aircraft Company, 58
Lincoln Standard Tourabout, 59, 178
Lindbergh (Berg), xi, 35, 45, 235, 269
Lindbergh, Ann Morrow, 131n, 259, 260, 261
Lindbergh, August, 34–37, 57–58
Lindbergh, Charles August “C.A.”, 21–22, 35, 37–47
business interests of, 39–40, 42–43
death of, 182
decline of, 52–53, 57–58
political career of, 43–47, 52
Lindbergh, Charles Augustus
birth of, 40, 40n
early life of, 41–42, 44–45, 47, 48–50
education of, 56–57, 58–59
the flight. See Transatlantic flight of Lindbergh
love of flying, 59
nickname of, 13
post-flight. See Lindbergh, Charles Augustus, post-flight below
sense of honor of, 243
World War II and, 261–68
Lindbergh, Charles Augustus, post-flight, 226–52
arrival in U.S., 249–52
in Belgium, 245–46
celebratory flight, 244–46
financial compensation, 256
first moments after landing, 226–32
in London, 246–47
onboard USS Memphis, 247–52
in Paris, 226–35, 238–44
press, 234–35, 236–37, 260
Lindbergh, Charles Augustus, Jr., 259, 260
Lindbergh, Evangeline “Eva,” 37–38, 44
Lindbergh, Evangeline Lodge Land, 13, 38–40, 41–47, 57–58
son’s flight, 134, 239, 259
Lindbergh, Frank, 38, 43, 43n
Lindbergh, Juno, 38
Lindbergh, Lillian, 37–38, 44, 52
Lindbergh, Louisa, 34, 35, 37, 57–58
Lindbergh, Mary LaFond, 37–38
Lindbergh, Reeve, 36
Lindbergh’s National Farmer, 53
“Lindenbergh,” 35–36
Linden trees, 35–36
Little Falls, Minnesota, 37–38, 41–47, 58
Little Placentia Bay, 91–92n
Lockheed P-38 Lightning, 266–67
Lodge, Edwin Albert, 38–39
L’Oiseau Blanc (“White Bird”), 1–7, 28, 76, 194n, 207, 227, 242–43
London, Lindbergh post-flight visit, 246–47
London-Paris Airway, 212
Long Island, 19–20, 29
Long Island Sound, 20, 21–22, 24–25
Loop Head, 6, 189
Lorraine-Dietrich engine, 3, 5, 28, 75
Los Angeles, USS, 250n
Lufthansa Airline, 261
Luftwaffe, 261
Lukenheimer manifold, 20–21, 78, 85, 154, 210, 220
Lund University, 35
Lundy Island, 6
Lyme Bay, 206n
MacArthur, Douglas, 121n
McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, 39
McCracken, Bill, 23
MacDonald, Carlyle, 234, 255
Macfadden, Bernarr, 104
McKinley, William, 41
Maddux Air Lines, 260n
Magnetic compass, 25, 62–64, 66, 78–79, 127, 148
Magnetic course, defined, 277
Magnetos, 74, 194, 277
Mahoney, B. F., 17–18, 18n, 22, 69, 213
Mail, air transport. See Airmail
Main Street (Lewis), 115, 115n
Making of a Hero, The (Fredette), 230n
Malone, Dudley Field, 118
Mansson, Ingar, 35, 35n
Mansson, Ola. See Lindbergh, August
Marconi, Guglielmo, 97n
Marriage rates, 237
Marvin, Lee, 265n
Massachusetts coast, 31–32
Mauretania, RMS, 103
Mawson, Douglas, 12
Mayflower, 32, 205
Mechanical engineering, 56
Medal of Honor, 131, 258
Media, x, 19, 234–35, 236–37, 260
Memorial to American Great War Volunteers (Paris), 233
Memphis, USS, 247–52
Mencken, H. L., 119
Mercator projection, 31–32, 33, 150–51, 174, 201–2
Mercury, 156, 156n
Messerschmitt Bf 109, 261
Mexico tour, 258–59
Miami Beach, 58
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 159
Military aviation, 48–49, 53–54
Mineola Aviation Station, 130
Minnesota Republican gubernatorial primary of 1918, 52
Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District, 43–44, 44n, 45–46
Miquelon Islands, 79, 89
Mira Bay, 78, 80
Miss Columbia, 23, 74, 132–34, 200
Mississippi River, 36, 40, 43, 161
Missouri Historical Society, xi
Missouri National Guard, 181, 247, 249
Mitchel, John Purroy, 129n
Mitchel Field, 129, 129n, 257
Mitchell, William Lendrum “Billy,” 120–25, 237
Mitscher, Marc, 53, 53n
Moffett, William, 121
Morgan, Constance Morrow, 259
Morgan, Howard, 118
Morgan, J. P., 113
Morrison County, 30–31, 30n
Morrow, Dwight D., 131, 258–59
Morrow, Elisabeth, 259
Motion pictures, 110
Mount Rushmore, 104
Mount Uniacke, 67
Mulligan, Ed, 130–31
Napoleon Bonaparte, 206
Narragansett Bay, 31
National Aeronautic Association, 24
National Geographic Society, 131
National Liquor Dealers Association, 109
National Prohibition Act of 1919, 107
Naval Academy, U.S., 131
Navigraph, 3
Navy, U.S., 123–24
Navy Bureau of Aeronautics, 265
Nebraska Aircraft Corporation, 58n
“Needle error,” 62–63
Newfoundland, 5, 26, 67, 81–83, 86–95, 97–98, 167
Newfoundland Basin, 159
New London, 30
Newspapers, x, 19, 234–35, 236–37, 260
New Tusket, 96
New York American, 111
New York City, 104–5
New Yorker, 104
New York Evening World, 236
New York-Paris flight of Lindbergh. See Transatlantic flight of Lindbergh
New York Times, 12, 15, 18, 50, 54, 96, 97, 129–30, 195, 234, 236, 243
New York University, 258
Nieuport 28, 136, 136n
Nighttime navigation, 27
Nile River, 40
95th Aero Squadron, 13n
Nonpartisan League, 52
Normandy, 208–9
Northwestern University, 258
Nova Scotia, 63–67, 69–70, 96
squalls, 69–79
Noville, George, 132
Nungesser, Charles Eugène Jules Marie
Lindbergh’s flight and, 92–94, 207, 227
Lindbergh’s post-flight honoring of, 239–40, 242–43
L’Oiseau Blanc attempt, 1–7, 23, 28, 76, 92–94, 194n, 217n
Ocker, William, 138
Oderin Island, 91n
Oil pressure, 180
Old Saybrook, 29
One Summer: America, 1927 (Bryson), 35
Only Yesterday (Allen), 237–38
Operations, defined, 277
Order of Leopold, 246
Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur, 241
Orteig, Marie, 243
Orteig, Raymond, 12–13, 23–24, 243
ig, Raymond, Jr., 243–44
Orteig Prize, 12–13, 23–24. See also Transatlantic flight attempts
Lindbergh and, 243–44, 256
Nungesser and Coli, 2, 23
Ostfriesland, SMS, 123–24, 249n
Ovington, Earle L., 180
Owen, Russell, 12
Oyster Bay, 13, 20, 244
Page, Ray H., 58n, 178
Palmer, A. Mitchell, 113
Panama Canal, 45
Pan American Airways, 259–60, 268–69
Pan American Goodwill Flight, 257
Parachute jumps, 70, 72, 178
Lindbergh after flight, 226–35, 238–44
Lindbergh’s celebrity flight, 244–45
Lindbergh’s flight, 213–16
Paris Meridian, 210n
Parmenter, Frederick, 116–17
Patton, George S., Jr., 121n
Paul Doumer Bridge, 40
Pearl Harbor attack, 102, 120–21, 264
Peary, Robert, 12
Periscope, 14, 27, 62
Petcocks, 21, 198, 199, 220
“Petting parties,” 111
Pheil, Abram, 254
Philippine-American War, 41
Pilgrim Monument, 32n
Pilgrims, 32, 32n, 205
Piney Point, 250
Pioneer #54 Speed and Drift Meter, 138
Pioneer Instrument Company, 25, 64, 78–79, 131, 138
Pitch, 122, 141–42, 277
Pitch indicator, 138, 145
Pitot tube, 144, 173, 277
Place de la Concorde, 243, 245
Place de l’Opéra, 232
Place des États-Unis, 233
Placentia Bay, 79–80, 90–91
Plymouth, 197, 204–5
Plymouth Hoe, 205n
Plymouth Rock, 205
PN-7 barograph, 24n, 225n, 232
Poli-Marchetti, Colonel, 233–34
Porcelain in dentistry, 39, 39n
Porcupine Banks, 183n
Porpoises, 175
Port Jefferson, 20
Prager, Robert, 106
Pratt Institute, 68
Press, x, 19, 234–35, 236–37, 260
Princip, Gavrilo, 48
Pritz & Company, 109
Progressive Party, 43
Prohibition, 46, 90n, 106–9
Propellers, 140–42
Provincetown, 32
Pulitzer Prize, 115n
Pulitzer Trophy Air Races, 133
Puritanism, 106, 107–8
Putnam, G. P., 255
Quartering wind, 5, 159, 277
“Quenching,” 141
Question of Loyalty, A (Waller), 124
R34 (airship), 55n, 121
Race riots of 1919, 105
Radial engines, 49, 74–75
Rame Head, 204n
Ramsey, DeWitt C., 265
Rand McNally map, 19–20, 25–31
Randolph, Albert Clyde, 27
Rappelyea, George, 117–20
Raulston, John T., 120
Read, Albert Cushing, 53–54
“Red Scare,” 112
Republican Party, 45–46, 52
Reserve Officer Training Corps, 57
Reuben James, USS, 249
Revenue Act of 1913, 51
Rice, Chester, 96
Rickenbacker, Eddie, 23, 48, 136–37
Riecker P-1057 Inclinometer, 19, 138
Rio Rita (play), 164, 211
Roaring Twenties, 101–25, 237
Roberts, Lillian Lindbergh, 37–38, 44, 52
Roberts, Loren, 44
Robertson, Bill, 181, 195
Robertson Aircraft Corporation (RAC), 181
Rockall Islet, 168n
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 113, 131
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 269
Rocker arm, 136, 179, 277
Rohr, Fred, 74
Roll, defined, 277
Romaine Hotel, 44
Rome, 200
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 91–92n, 263–64
Roosevelt, Kermit, 47n
Roosevelt, Quentin, 13n, 20n, 47n
Roosevelt, Theodore, 13n, 41, 41n, 111
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 20, 20n, 209, 244
Roosevelt Field, 11–12, 13n, 131, 248
runway, 15–16
Spirit’s takeoff, 11–12, 13–19
Rostand, Maurice, 238
Roxy Theater, 110, 110n
Royal Flying Corps, 48–49, 54
Royal Navy, 67
Rudder, defined, 277
Rudder bar, 14, 65, 158, 189
Russian immigrants, 112
Rutledge, Tom, 136
Ryan Airlines, 14–15, 17–18, 22, 68–69, 213
Sable Island, 66–67
Sacco, Nicola, 116–17, 117n
Sagamore Hill, 13, 20, 244
St. Anthony Falls, 36
St. George’s Channel, 6, 191, 194, 196, 197, 202
St. John’s, 80, 92, 94–95, 97–98
St. Joseph’s College, 258
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 237
St. Mary’s Bay, 66, 71, 77, 92
St. Pierre Island, 89–90, 90n
Samuelson, Ralph, 104
Sandburg, Carl, 115–16
Sands, USS, 249
Saxophone, 110–11
Scatari Island, 78, 80
Scattery Island, 6
Schory, Carl, 24
Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, 260n
Scintilla, 74, 74n
Scopes, John Thomas, 118–20
Scott, Robert Falcon, 12, 40
Scruggs-Vandervoort-Barney Department Store, 60
Seagulls, 183
Seal, Joseph, 38
Seal, Linda Lindbergh, 38
Sedition Act, 52
Seine River, 209, 211–12, 214–15
Serpollet, Léon, 40
Shackleton, Ernest, 12, 40
Shearer, A. S., 195
Shenandoah, USS, 55n, 120–22, 124
Shipbuilding, 114
Side of Paradise, The (Fitzgerald), 111
Sideslipping, 223
Sidwell Friends School, 47n
Sikorsky S-35, 28, 133
Simmons, William J., 105
Singer Manufacturing Company, 39
Sioux Uprising of 1862, 57
Sixteenth Amendment, 51, 107
Skid, defined, 277
Sky Raider, The (movie), 2
Slater & Morrill Shoe Company, 116
Slocum, Joshua, 65n
Smeaton’s Tower, 205n
Smelling salts, 29, 177
Smith, Truman, 261
Smithsonian Institution, 47, 47n, 259n
Smithtown Bay, 20
Socialism, 42
Solo flying, 81–83
Soviet Union, 112
Spanish-American War, 106, 122
Spanish Armada, 188n, 204–5
Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, 50–51
Spars, 72, 73
Spin, defined, 278
Spirit of St. Louis (airplane)
American tour, 257
Arizona test flight, 85–86
barograph, 24n, 225n, 232
cockpit of, 27–28, 68
compasses. See Earth inductor compass; Magnetic compass
construction of, 14–15, 22–23, 68–69, 71–75, 136–37
control stick, 27
design of, 68–69, 72, 73, 76, 81, 83–85, 141, 213
Dutch Flats test flight, 22, 199
emergency equipment, 87–89
engine. See Wright Whirlwind J-5C engine
financial backers, 13, 22, 23, 24
the flight. See Transatlantic flight of Lindbergh
license for, 22–23
Lindbergh’s celebratory post-flight, 244–46
Lindbergh’s post-flight visit to, 240–41
Mexico tour, 258–59
N-X-211 markings, 22, 22n
post-landing moments, 226–32, 233–34, 240
; return voyage to America, 247, 248–49
St. Louis to New York flight, 128–30
San Diego to St. Louis flight, 85, 128, 129–30
at Smithsonian Institution, 259n
total flights, 259n
Spirit of St. Louis, The (Lindbergh), xi, 235, 255–56, 256n
Spirit of St. Louis, The (movie), 238n
Stabilizer, 89, 93, 143, 157, 200, 210, 278
Stall, 18, 145, 160, 199, 246, 278
Stall range, 199n
Standard Oil, 14–15, 84
Standard Steel Propeller Company, 141
Stanley Hall School, 37
Start Point, 206n
Start Point Lighthouse, 191
Stewart, Jimmy, 238, 238n, 265n
Strait of Canso, 67, 77, 96
Stromberg NA-T4 carburetor, 85–86
Suicide rate, 237
Sunday, Billy, 107–8
Sunglasses, 28, 176–77
Survival equipment, 87–89
Swedish Riksdag, 34, 46
Sweet Trials, 120
Tachometer, 14, 18, 19, 278
Tailwind, 173
Taliban, 105
Tax policy, 51, 106–7
Teapot Dome, 237
Teitzel-Jones & Dehner, 60
Tennessee Supreme Court, 120
Terneplate, 85
Thames River (Connecticut), 25, 30
Though, Charles Land, 39
Tichenor, Frank, 28
Tiffany, Charles Lewis, 41
Tiffany & Company, 41
Time (magazine) Man of the Year, 104, 104n
Timm, Otto, 59
Tindale, Bert, 69
Tires, 16, 16n
Titanic, RMS, 208, 210n
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Brussels), 246
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Paris), 233
Towers, John Henry “Jack,” 53
Townley, A. C., 52
Transatlantic flight attempts
Byrd, 23, 74, 131–32
Chamberlin and Acosta, 23, 74, 132–34, 171, 200, 248
Davis and Wooster, 15, 18, 133
Fonck and Curtin, 15–16, 28
Nungesser and Coli, 1–7, 23, 28, 76, 92–94, 194n, 207, 217n, 227
Transatlantic flight of Lindbergh
approach and landing at Le Bourget, 219–25
Atlantic crossing, 126–28, 134–79, 183–89
barograph recording, 24n, 225n, 232
Cape Breton Island, 66–67, 71, 77–78, 86–87
Cape Cod Bay, 31–33
Connecticut, 29–30
crossing the bridge of life, 175–76
doorway to Atlantic, 97–98, 126
emergency equipment, 87–89
England, 201–6
English Channel, 206–7
first hours, 19–33
fifth hour, 60–67, 69–79
France, 207–19
fuel. See Fuel tanks
Gulf of Maine, 61–62
landfall Ireland, 187–97
Long Island Sound, 20, 21–22, 24–25
navigation, 62–67, 79–80, 89–90, 94–95, 148–51, 159–60, 161, 172–73
Newfoundland, 81–83, 86–95, 97–98
night falls, 126–27
Nova Scotia, 63–67, 69–80
post-landing moments, 226–32, 233–34
Rhode Island, 30–31